SEXUAL HEALING: pratica somatica
CourseUn'ora dedicata alla riconnessione con il tuo corpo, area pelvica attraverso il lavoro somatico (presenza, respiro, movimento, tocco, vocalizzazione, visualizzazione) per rilasciare trauma ed emozioni bloccate e riarmonizzare il sistema nervoso.
DECEMBER ONLINE EVENT: Understanding and Healing Your Trauma
BundleIn this workshop i'll give you a picture of what Trauma is (despite popular misunderstandings) and how the unprocessed trauma in the body affects our daily life (physical pain, negative emotions and thoughts, behaviors), + a somatic practice to heal.
DECEMBER EVENT: Healing and understanding Your Trauma
CourseIn this workshop i'll give a clear picture of what Trauma is and what are the consequences of unprocessed trauma in the body in the daily life (emotions, blockages, physical pain, thoughts... and a somatic practice to heal the body.
Becoming YOU - Community